주요논문 및 저서
Chesnut, M., Curran, N. M. & Kim. S. (2022) From garbage to COVID-19: Theorizing ‘Multilingual Commanding Urgency’ in the linguistic landscape. Multilingua, 42(1), 25-53. https://doi.org/10.1515/multi-2022-0009
Curran, N. M. & Chesnut, M. (2021). English fever and coffee: Transient cosmopolitanism and the rising cost of distinction. Journal of Consumer Culture, 22(2), 551-570. https://doi.org/10.1177/1469540521990869.
Chesnut, M. & N. M. Curran. 2022. Americano, latte, or English: What do menu languages in Korean coffee shops tell us about the meaning of English today? English Today, 38(1), 38–51. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266078420000401
Chesnut, M., Curran, N. M., & Kim, S. (2021, August 10). Cuteness and fear in the COVID-19 Linguistic Landscape of South Korea. The Linguistic Landscape of COVID-19. https://www.covidsigns.net/post/michael-chesnut-et-al-cuteness-and-fear-in-thecovid-19-linguistic-landscape-of-south-korea
Chesnut, M. (2020). Disruptions of teachers’ gendered identities through bodies and dress: ‘Foreign’ women teaching English in South Korea. Gender and Education, 32(2), 194–210. https://doi.org/10.1080/09540253.2018.1451623
Kim, S., & Chesnut, M. (2016). Hidden Lessons for Developing Journals: A Case of North American Academics Publishing in South Korean Journals. The Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 47(3), 267-283
Chesnut, M., Lee, V., & Schulte, J. (2013). The Language Lessons around Us: Undergraduate English Pedagogy and Linguistic Landscape Research. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 12(2), 102-120.